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AutoLabel Thermal Transfer Ribbon

AutoLabel Thermal Transfer Ribbon provides excellent print quality and durability for on demand label printing applications. Each of the AutoLabel ribbon options are guaranteed to run when combined with genuine AUTOBAG® Brand and SidePouch® bags, AutoLabel printers, and bagging systems that include a Next-Bag-Out printer. By printing directly onto the bag, the cost of an adhesive label is eliminated, and the bag is easier to recycle.

Thermal Transfer Ribbon Types

AutoLabel UW

AutoLabel UW is a full wax, general purpose, cost-effective ribbon ideal for high-volume applications. Offering good print quality and abrasion resistance, this ribbon can print high-density black images directly onto a wide range of substrates, including adhesive labels and poly bags.


AutoLabel UV

AutoLabel UV is a specially formulated, resin enhanced wax ribbon designed for most imprinting applications. Its extreme durability and resistance to scratching, smearing, flaking, and fading results in high-resolution bar codes, text, and graphics. Considered the most prevalent and reliable ribbon in the AutoLabel portfolio, it boasts excellent density and contrast – providing precision printing and edge definition. AutoLabel UV is ideal for applying small characters and high-quality bar codes that produce optimum scan rates, enhancing aesthetic quality and customer appeal.

AutoLabel UP

AutoLabel UP is a premium, wax-resin ribbon designed for optimum print performance in specialty applications. The unique, multi-layer construction with advanced binding properties and quick release is ideal for overprinting on AutoGrafix inks and specialty materials. Its superior resistance to scratching and abrasion makes this ribbon ideal for frequent scanning and handling applications, such as ecommerce mailbag. Enhanced density and contrast provide precision printing with excellent edge definition.


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