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BUBBLE WRAP® Appreciation Day

BUBBLE WRAP Appreciation day is 25 January 2021

Stress Less With Poppable Cushioning

It’s no secret that popping our beloved BUBBLE WRAP® brand cushioning is fun – some might even say it’s addicting. But did you know it’s also proven to relieve stress? A survey conducted by Kelton Research reveals that about one minute of popping BUBBLE WRAP® brand cushioning provides stress relief equivalent to a 33-minute massage.

Learn more about BUBBLE WRAP® Appreciation Day and why reaching for a sheet (or roll) of our iconic shipping product is one of the simplest and most affordable methods of scientifically proven stress relief.

Popping Through Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day’s Past 

For BUBBLE WRAP® brand enthusiasts, transporting rolls of cushioning can seem like a hassle. Not anymore! Watch our fake infomercial to see how you can make all the bubbles you want with our BUBBLE WRAP® brand on-demand inflation system.

Ever wonder what it's like to work at BUBBLE WRAP® brand headquarters? Find out what it's like to be a new employee in this behind-the-scenes parody. (Most days, we're known as Sealed Air, the original inventors of BUBBLE WRAP® brand packaging.)

Join the Celebration on Social Media

Show us how you celebrate by sharing your photos using the hashtag #BubbleWrapDay.