How to Shift From Pallets to Parcels
Manufacturers that are comfortable with palletised shipping may struggle with new pressures to generate single-parcel shipments. Sound familiar? It’s essential to have optimised, efficient fulfilment plans in place now – or risk being left behind.
Here are some resources to help on your pallet-to-parcel journey.
Free Virtual Event, 12 July 2021
As manufacturers are forced to ship more individual parcels instead of traditional pallets, Sealed Air experts help you identify and avoid critical risks to your changing fulfilment operation.
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Our guide to adding or switching to parcel shipments explores the five challenges manufacturers face when adding or switching to parcel shipments, real stories of how manufacturers are structuring their fulfilment operations to accommodate parcels, fulfilment and packaging tips from our pros, and an inside look at the packaging design process, including why a product should be packed differently for parcels vs pallets.
Ten years ago, buying a toilet or a TV usually meant a trip to a DIY or electronics store. Not anymore.
It’s essential for manufacturers to have optimised, efficient fulfilment plans in place now – or risk being left further behind.
Damage in transit is a leading cause of returns. And the cost of reshipping, replacing and disposing of electronics can drastically increase cost and carbon footprint.
No longer can return logistics be an afterthought for retailers – or manufacturers – that want to stay competitive.
These easy to use solutions are easy to install and integrate into your existing fulfilment environment with minimal financial investment or downtime. Implementing them in optimised pack stations leads to faster order throughput, reduced damage rates and freight savings.
Bagging equipment, automated mailer systems, automated cartoning systems, and shrink equipment can reduce packing errors, speed fulfilment processes and reduce damage rates. Our fulfilment experts can recommend the right equipment for your setup.
Fragile or uniquely shaped items might require solutions like custom fabricated foams or shrink – or rigorous testing and packaging design services from our ISTA-certified labs.