The True Cost of Damage
The total environmental impact of every E-commerce order is the total of many different factors. Manufacturing resources, primary packaging, distribution and the shipping cycle are all part of the total impact. Using the example of a tablet, the shipping cycle (the journey from distribution centre to consumer) accounts for about 2% of the total environmental impact of that tablet. Of that 2%, packaging materials account for about 15% of the shipping cycle’s impact. That equals about .003% of the total environmental impact.
Doesn’t seem like a valuable place to look for sustainability improvements, right? Wrong.
If a tablet is broken during the shipping cycle because the wrong protective packaging was used, the environmental impact of that tablet just doubled.
The resources used to manufacture a replacement, ship the replacement to the consumer, and return the broken product can more than double a product's sustainability impact.
Preventing damage is often the most sustainable thing a manufacturer can do when shipping its products.
Many manufacturers are willing to accept “small” damage rates of 1% to 3%. Accepting this amount of damage may seem inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be. Every damaged product results not only in unnecessary environmental resource waste, but also damages a customer relationship. One electronics manufacturer sold over 44 million tablets in 2018. If they accepted 1% damage, that means they are willing to risk losing 440,000 customers and doubling the environmental impact of those 440,000 tablets.
Our Packaging Application Centres are dedicated to designing and testing a protective packaging solution that ensures a safe, sustainable shipping cycle.