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Inflatable Light Cushioning

BUBBLE WRAP® brand inflatable light cushioning protects durable items during shipment.

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01 Overview


BUBBLE WRAP® brand AirWrap Films produce inflatable light cushioning which protects durable items during shipment.

AirWrap Films inflatable light cushioning is ideal for applications needing product separation, blocking and bracing, carton lining, product wrapping, lightweight cushioning, product interleaving and limited void fill. Providing just the right amount of packaging, our inflatable light cushioning allows you to reduce package size and weight without sacrificing protection.

AirWrap Films are an on-demand inflatable packaging solution that bridges the gap between inflatable void fill and cushioning products with a small sized pillow. Designed to run on the BUBBLE WRAP® brand Rocket inflator, BUBBLE WRAP® brand Flex and Bubble Wrap® Inflator systems.


  • Ideal for durable items
  • High recycled content films, certified to EN-15345
  • Used for wrapping, light void fill and cushioning
  • Improve dimensional weight pricing by reducing package size without sacrificing protection
  • Less material means faster packaging, getting more packs out the door

  • Roll lengths – from 1,098 m to 1,280 m
  • Roll widths – 200, 300 and 400 mm

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