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woman grocery shopping for case-ready packaging meat

Staying Ahead of Uncertainty

to help you keep operations running smoothly and customers delighted



The more things change, the more you need
CRYOVAC® Brand Case-Ready Packaging

As the global food supply chain starts to re-define "normal", fresh meat processors and retailers like you may be looking for inspiration and options to prepare for what lies ahead.

Here's how our broad range of case-ready solutions can help: 


Handling Supply and Demand Fluctuations

Two key takeaways during the pandemic have been that the global food supply chain is more vulnerable to disruption than previously thought, and that  consumers can and will adjust buying habits quickly to ensure uninterrupted access to and availability of food.

Sealed Air store-intercept research conducted in late 2020 revealed that in the fresh meat section, partially-stocked or stocked-out shelves send signals to shoppers that something’s wrong, leading in some cases to panic-buying or in the case of a stock-out, some say they simply will leave the store rather than find an alternative.*

Managing inventory, labour and customer expectations can be made easier by employing case-ready meat packaging. Not only does it help you move product to shelves quickly, it also provides shelf life up to 2X longer than meats that sit in the full-service counter, giving you more time and flexibility to keep a steady supply of fresh meats on display.

Re-allocating Labour to Enhance the Customer Experience

With unemployment rates at historical lows, acquiring and keeping trained labour is harder than ever – especially in the fresh meat category.

When supply disruption occurs, the amount of in-store handling required by back-of-house tasks such as unpackaging, hand-cutting and repackaging require time that could be put to better use making sure your shelves stay stocked and ready for your customers.

Now more than ever, every ounce of meat that moves through the supply chain needs to do so in a way that can minimise handling and maximise shelf life. In addition, our research confirms that as customers look for touchless options that ensure transparency and food safety, proteins in vacuum skin packaging give them the reassurance they need.*

Creating a Seamless Experience in the Omnichannel

Supermarket News reports that post-pandemic, eGrocery sales are expected to climb from $35 billion in 2019 to more the $250 billion by 2025 – a pace almost twice what was predicted prior to COVID-19.

By the end of 2020, 43% of US consumers reported having shopped for groceries online – including order and delivery, click-and-collect, and third-party shopping. Many of whom report intentions to continue use of online channels even after restrictions have lifted.

Whether it's on the shelf, in the case, shown online, delivered to the doorstep, or in a meal kit, case-ready fresh meats have the unique benefit of offering one packaging format that works in all settings. Easy for a consumer or third-party shopper to identify and pick up with limited touch, easy-to-read labels, and package transparency while also being leak proof, freezer-ready and taking up minimal storage space.

*Sealed Air proprietary research, 2020


Stock-outs in the meat case can reduce category revenue 17% and put the entire shopping basket at risk.1
Plant-based meat now accounts for 2.7% of all retail packaged meat sales in the USA.2
eGrocery sales predicted to reach $250 billion by 2025 – twice as fast as previously predicted.3
Vacuum skin packaging can increase the shelf life of fresh meats 2X versus the service case.

1.  Sealed Air store-intercept research, 2020
2.  Supermarket News, 2020
3.  FMI Power of Meat, 2021

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Let's put 80 years of know-how to work for you.

Featured case-ready solutions that help you address change:


single format for omnichannel

extends shelf life

leakproof seals, freezer-ready

right-sized, lightweight

recycled and plant-based content options


secondary, fibre-based packaging

for meal kits, d2c, subscriptions

48 hour temperature maintenance

range of thermal performance options

for one- and two-day ground shipping


convenience and prepared foods

microwavable, vacuum skin package

even heating with steam-assist

seals securely to bowls, plates or trays

secure product position without distortion


premium appearance

minimised footprint


vegan and flexitarian friendly

recycled and plant-based content options

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