
Envase alimentario CRYOVAC®

Diseñamos materiales innovadores y soluciones completas que permiten a los procesadores, a la gran distribución y a los fabricantes a proteger la calidad y la seguridad de sus alimentos, aumentar la eficiencia y mejorar la sostenibilidad a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro de alimentos.

Soluciones para envasado alimentario de la marca CRYOVAC®

Las soluciones de envasado de la marca CRYOVAC® de Sealed Air permiten a los procesadores, a los fabricantes y a la gran distribución aumentar su eficiencia operativa, prolongar la vida útil de los productos y proteger la seguridad alimentaria a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro. Como marca líder del sector durante más de 75 años, CRYOVAC® es conocida en todo el mundo por su capacidad de innovación, su calidad y excepcional servicio en cuanto a soluciones para envasado alimentario.

CRYOVAC® Brand Food Packaging Solutions

Our food packaging solutions help processors, brand owners, and retailers increase operational efficiency by extending product shelf life and food safety throughout the global supply chain. As an industry leader for more than 75 years, CRYOVAC® brand is known around the world for its innovation and quality of primary food packaging paired with outstanding field service.

Empezar con Sealed Air


Portion Dispensing System

The FlexPrep portion-dispensing system is a ground-breaking solution that uses our flexible rollstock technology with a custom dispensing unit to offer cost-effective portion control and process efficiency.

  • Up to 85% packaging weight reduction
  • Compatible with LDPE/RIC4 recycling streams
  • Reduces the risk of cross-contamination
  • Provides yield rates as high as 98%

Watch our video to learn more!


Rotary Vaccum System

The AutoVac 86 is built to be resistant to the corrosive environment often found in food production and packaging rooms.

  • Designed with ergonomics, safety, and hygiene in mind
  • Easy to use, clean, and maintain
  • Acceptable for use in USDA-inspected meat and 3-A SSI facilities
  • Multilingual, intuitive display requires minimal training

Watch our video to learn more!