employees packaging COVID-19 test kits

Automotive Parts Packaging


New Technologies Driving Change for Auto Service, Repair, and Maintenance

Much to our delight and exceeding expectations, market conditions for automotive parts remain robust.

If you’re a parts manufacturer or distributor, that’s good news.

Your global market is growing, and along with that; the need for more immediate, single shipments driven by consumer demands for fast, frustration-free shipping in both directions; and corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting driving more interest in goals that impact climate change, such as net-zero emissions.

Market fundamentals often require a re-think on package design and materials. As the market changes around you, now might be a good time to bring Sealed Air in to help you consider how a change in packaging can help you keep things moving.

In the current market, 30% of a typical IC light vehicle is electronic components. And as hybrids, ZEV and BEV continue gaining consumer acceptance that number is increasing rapidly. Where packaging is concerned, the convergence of technology, electronics, and the automotive aftermarket create new challenges to ensure parts make it through transit intact. Your market fundamentals have begun to shift - so now would be a great time to plan and prepare for your future by ensuring your packaging can help keep things moving.

Electric Vehicles are Leading the Charge for Unboxing Auto Parts

Whether it goes in an IC, EV, or hybrid, different types of auto parts need different packaging solutions:

SEALED AIR brand Korrvu packaging for windshield

& Heavy

Irregular Shape


BUBBLEWRAP brand inflated cushioning for car door

Easily Scratched

Unevenly Weighted

Kits & Components

What to Know When Your Shipping Environment Changes

How Can the Auto Parts Industry Address Net Zero Shipping?

Why Product Protection is the Most Sustainable Thing a Package Can Do

Get to Know Our ISTA-Certified Packaging Labs

SEALED AIR brand Korrvu packaging for windshield

Large & Heavy

Large, unwieldy items not only need the right cushioning, most also need some type of retention to protect against damage to surfaces or edges. 

Common Examples:

  • Windshields
  • Engine parts
  • Lead/acid battery
  • Wheels 
  • Transmissions
  • Truck bed covers
  • Exterior accessories 
supercharger auto part

Irregular Shape

Irregular shapes are best protected by packaging that provides retention and can fully surround and cradle the entire part.

Common Examples:

  • Motors/alternators
  • Radiator
  • Fans
  • Interior molded parts
  • Roof racks
  • Tires 


Items that contain glass or other breakable materials need special attention to ensure the package can withstand all types of mishandling including orientation, drops, bumps, stacking, or sliding. 

Common Examples:

  • Head/tail lights
  • Tail lights
  • Side/rear mirrors
  • ADAS components
  • Dashboard panels and displays
  • Catalytic Converter 
  • EV charger 
BUBBLEWRAP brand inflated cushioning for car door

Easily Scratched

Painted or coated parts have surfaces that must stay pristine during transit. Wrap or cushioning material choice is critical for these types of products. 

Common Examples:

  • Body panels
  • Bumpers
  • Interior panels
  • Spoilers
  • Display
SEALED AIR brand Instapak foam cushioning

Unevenly Weighted

Items that are unevenly weighted are prone to mishandling, falls, and drops especially if not shipped on a pallet, so proper cushioning is critical to this category.

Common Examples:

  • Exhaust
  • Transmission
  • Engine blocks 

Kits, Components, and Ecommerce

For hardware items that come with larger parts or when shipping soft or durable goods directly to a consumer, our automated bagging and printing systems help keep operations efficient and shipping costs down.

Common Examples:

  • Hardware (nuts and bolts)
  • Gaskets/belts
  • Wire harnesses
  • Light bulbs
  • Fuses/breakers
  • Spark plugs 
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