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CRYOVAC® Brand Barrier Overwrap Film (BDF)

Put freshness on display with CRYOVAC® brand Barrier Overwrap Film. This crystal-clear, durable shrink film features exceptional oxygen and aroma barrier properties, ensuring leakproof seals across various overwrap trays, including foam, plastic, fiber, and composite materials.


CRYOVAC® brand BDF overwrap film offers uniform shrink and high-integrity seals to trays without the need for a sealing medium, making it the perfect choice for high-profile and irregularly shaped foods. And with its printable surface and robust design, this overwrap film not only guarantees superior protection but also enhances your merchandising capabilities.

Engineered to provide barrier protection while being ultra-thin, strong and clear, this exceptional overwrap packaging solution works with a wide range of horizontal form-fill-seal or end-seal overwrap equipment. CRYOVAC® brand Barrier Overwrap Film meets the operational efficiency demands of processors and packers while satisfying the shelf-appeal expectations of discerning consumers.

Features and Benefits

  • Thin, flexible overwrap tray film Ideal for packaging high-profile and irregularly shaped products, fresh and processed meats, poultry, prepared foods
  • Polyolefin formulation provides excellent anti-fog, oxygen, and aroma barrier
  • Compatible with horizontal form-fill-seal, side-end-seal, and flow wrap equipment
  • Easy changeovers on HFFS machines
  • Provides virtually leak-proof seals on overwrap trays with no need for sealing medium
  • Printable in up to 10 colors for excellent merchandising and display


  • Complies with FDA requirements for food packaging, Letter of Guarantee available on request.
  • Specifications vary based on barrier properties and presentation attributes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Overwrap tray packaging secures and protects freshness by securely encasing food on a rigid base, such as a tray made from plastic, foam, molded paper, or composite materials. Overwrap film has distinct physical properties that can extend shelf-life or scavenge odors, by protecting perishable food from oxygen, light, or moisture that would otherwise hasten spoilage.

Non-barrier overwrap films for food packaging typically have very high clarity properties to show the color of products like produce or meat at their peak. However, when food products need a higher level of protection from light, oxygen, or moisture, as is the case for cut red meats, seafood, or poultry, adding these barrier properties to overwrap often results in a film that has a frosted or semi-transparent appearance.

That’s why CRYOVAC® Barrier Overwrap Film is unique: it provides outstanding barrier protection with a crystal-clear, tight, fog-free appearance for packages that help extend the shelf life and appearance of all kinds of fresh and processed foods.